Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting Rid of the Skunks....well trying too.....

So, we still have the skunks. Mark called animal control, which turned out to be the local police department. They wouldn't come out and take care of the skunks for us, but they offered Mark a free trap so that we could catch them ourselves. OOHHHHH GOODY! Is anyone else laughing hysterically at this point? So he picked up the trap and brought it home. He then realized we needed to bait it. With what? A quick search on the internet lead us to these options....

WHAT THE????????? I quickly voted for bread and peanut butter. The other stuff totally grossed me out! eeccckkk. Ryan, Cait and Mark set the trap. Placed it in the yard. Then Mark covered the trap with a large beach towel. The police told him that a skunk won't spray what it can't see. Gut instinct tells me that isn't right. But I am not an expert. SOOO now the waiting begins...........
Next morning all the bread and pb were gone, the trap had not sprung. HMMMM. I think we might have skunks come spring, because if we don't catch them soon, they will hibernate in the yard. (Atleast in Over The Hedge they hibernate).
I am not concerned we haven't caught the skunks. I am more concerned about what we will do when we DO catch the skunks. We will have to catch them one at a time. And release them one at a time. Which means we will be taking atleast 4 trips to 'the wild' to let them go. In what I ask? We don't have a truck, and neither Mark or I want a live skunk in our cars. HMMM. Any suggestions?


Elizabeth said...

This is totally making me laugh right now- I can just see my husband trying to figure out the trap thingy- let alone the other part!!!!Good luck with "disposing" of them, once you catch them though- my grandpas used to always drown them in a 55 gallon drum- lovely isn't it? Whatever you do, I wouldn't trust the NO SPRAYING thing-I guess you just have to hope they are right :)
Anyway, hope you don't mind me hopping on your blog- I got the link off of Allyson's blog!
You can check mine out anytime you want, if you want.