Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Silly things we do....

We were all being a little silly today. Cait ran around with under wear on her head.....
While the rest of us tried on a Grill that was all Bling! Mark would be so proud of our 'Sparkling Teeth!'

Monday, January 19, 2009

This Is What Girls Do When They Have A Boyfriend

Wow, it has been awhile sinced I blogged. I did not find the time during the holidays, so I have alot to catch up on!!!!! Right now I will just let you in on a startling thing Cait said the other day when her and I were in the kitchen. She looked across the table at me and struck a pose.
And then she said ......................

This is what girls do when they have a boyfriend.

Uh-Huh, do they now? It took me a few seconds to recover. Then I asked her where she learned this. She said Tom & Jerry. Apparantley the girl cat gives this look to Tom. Maybe she shouldn't be watching Tom & Jerry until she is 21 because I don't want her giving that look to any cute boys until then!!!!