Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

So here is the scary story for today. I was putting my makeup on and doing my hair. This is what Caitlin was doing...........

Cutting her own hair. I found her hair in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in her room, and in Ryan's room. She was all over the place cutting and styling. But that is not all...

She also decided that Bella needed a haircut. She managed to give her a bare strip down the middle of her head! I seriously can't believe it. I can't even wipe Bella's eyes with out her freaking out. How could Cait manage to do this?

And Ryan wasn't watching Cait. He was doing his own thing... getting some snacks out of the pantry. Apparantly he couldn't find what he wanted so he decided to rearrange things for me. This is why I have a lock on the door. How did I forget to lock it?