Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I love Sharpies but......

One morning, Ryan came into my room to find me (I was still snuggling in my bed) . He had just woken up and was hungry for breakfast. He hugged and kissed me, then he turned around.... and this is what I saw.....

What in the?????? I asked Ryan if he knew 'who had dun it'. He had no clue. Well, I figured it out! Matt had gotten in trouble the night before. Apparently this was his way of getting back at me!  He wrote on Ryans neck after he had fallen asleep! It was a good think he was at school, or Matt would have been in big trouble. Little Stinker. Instead, by the time he got home from school, I was cracking up about it! Lucky Duck! What will my kids think of next!


Elisa said...

Love all your updates! I found my girls the other day drawing all over each other with pens too. Goodness!

keep klein-man said...

So funny. I can see him doing it too. Well Ryan will be getting him back soon. LOL